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To be able to include filters in Charts (DSP Development)

Sometimes I had the need to include filters (parameters) in Charts while I work in development.

I have a workaround to do it but it is not very clean.

It should be a  nice to have to be able to create parameters to filter reports as you do it, lets say, in cristal reports (including something like "where Date <= @Parameter" in the query and then showing graphically, in this case, a calendar that will include a date instead of the variable). It will allow us, for example, to create one report for many objects that will grow dinamically every time a new object is created instead of creating, as it is now, many reports, one per object, and adding a new report manually every time a new object comes into the picture.

  • Marcos Carbajo
  • Jun 4 2018
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    January 03, 2019 10:49

    Thank you for the idea.  The concept of parameterisation is built into the charting capability of the DSP already although not quite in the way you describe.  If you link pages to charts, or charts to other charts then you can pass parameters to filter the chart using the link to page field at the column level and defining the binding field names value. I will have documentation update the Chart and Dashboard Developer Guide which is available on the Data Insiders portal to explain how this works.  Searching for Binding Field Names should explain in the DSP help also.