Audit table [Display Column Name] consider multiple translations for a [Column Name]

Audig log cannot manage multiples translations for a same Column_Name included in different tables/WebApps.

1 - MVKE - VERSG - Matl statisics grp.
2 - KNVV - VERSG - Cust Stat Grp

Stephen Audey from support team had advised us to create an Idea for this DSP issue. See support ticket 20326 for more reference.

Workarond has been proposed to RFC business but it was not accepted since they are looking forward to a proper resolution of this issue.

  • Guest
  • Feb 8 2021
  • Likely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Fabiro Dofed commented
    24 Feb, 2021 06:02am

    Check for obstructions (e.g. plants, sheds) that might keep the sun's rays from reaching your house.