Filter Source Tables using excel files when doing replication using Multiple Replication wizard

Hi Team,

I would like to add multiple replications for a database schema. And while doing this i need to filter out few tables in that schema. I'm using the Multiple Replication wizard to do the same. But unfortunately there is no option to filter out the tables using an excel input. We are able to only select using mouse inputs one by one.

It will be great if you can add the filtering tables using excel input in the Multiple Replication wizard. This feature is already present in the Select Tables wizard and hence i believe it will be easier to mimic.


  • Guest
  • Mar 28 2022
  • Planned
  • Mar 28, 2022

    Admin response

    We are looking to add in this functionality as we deploy SDR functionality to the SKT. It is in the designs for the next phase of the development

  • Attach files