User Filtration Feature at the Log reader Level

Dear Team,

Over the past 7+ years, I have extensively utilized Oracle GoldenGate and have identified certain features that I find lacking in Syniti, which are crucial for our product. In particular, for an enterprise-level product like ours, the ability to filter data based on logged in user filtration is essential. Unfortunately, Syniti DR currently does not fully support user filtration. It would be highly beneficial if we could implement a feature to exclude replication based on the logged-in user in Oracle.

We are considering replacing Syniti DR with Oracle GoldenGate, as the capability to control replication based on user actions is critical for our prospective customers. When delivering Data Management Solutions, having precise control over the inclusion or exclusion of user actions is imperative for an effective replication tool.

I eagerly anticipate your response.

Thanks & Regards,


  • Gurinder Mann
  • Feb 1 2024
  • Attach files
  • Pedro Cardoso commented
    03 Feb 22:01

    I am aware of GG's capabilities in this area but have questioned the use case relevance for some time. I'd be interested in being educated to understand a real-world scenario and why the same result could not be effected on the replicated side of house, and still maintaining the simplicity of a pure-play mirror replication model. #TalkDataToMe :-)