Orchestrate Task Creation - Run Replication Multi-Select

When creating a task in Orchestrate, having a multi-select option for replications would be a great time-saving feature. Right now, each replication must be selected individually. If I want to schedule a refresh of a complete data source via Orchestrate, it will be a lot of searching, clicking, saving, etc... to build it.

  • Chris Dooyema
  • Jul 5 2023
  • Jan 18, 2024

    Admin response

    Chris, we are in the process of investigating improvements to our Orchestrate capabilities and will consider this as a change to the way Orchestrate calls replicate at the same time we also want to add in the ability to run a Group as well as an individual or set of individual replications.

  • Attach files
  • Arthur Wirthensohn commented
    08 May 09:52

    This will also become useful with DQ. Usually we plan master data and transactional table extraction in 2 different groups. Even in small DQ implementations we have around 50 - 100 tables we process in a group. And of course, good to have Orchestrate as central scheduling engine (not so nice doing one piece in Replicate (tables) and the other in Construct (DQ tasks)

  • Admin
    John Munkberg commented
    July 06, 2023 02:57

    Short term I think this would be nice. Be able to add 10 or 100 tasks to an orchestrate job. Or perhaps you just have a task that says "refresh all active" tables for a given Snapshot datasource. But really this feels like a feature of Cloud replication where you really just want to "schedule" SRCECC to be refreshed Friday at 5:00. There isn't really any need for a "Workflow" other than what might be created as a background background job to control and monitor the refresh of those tables. I see this more as a button in Replicate at the Source, Target, Group, or Replication level to allow a user to Schedule the refresh at that level. Orchestrate (maybe) is just the vehicle to execute and manage those tasks.

    Is there a need to construct a more complex Workflow where you Refresh 100 tables, then run a bunch of governance rules, run some SQL commands, etc. Such that you are truly constructing some complex workflow (I.e. series of tasks) in which case there is a 100 tables that need to be refreshed? I can't think of too many uses cases - but happy to discuss further.