If an Error DQ Report has not been executed yet then it should not display a 100% Data Quality Score

After adding a new Error report to your groups, when you browse to Data Quality > Your Groups the "Your Group Reports" panel displays it with a 0% Defect Percentage and a 100% Data Quality Score.

It's true that the number of Opportunities and Defects is also 0, but this is confusing, specially since the status light is diplayed in Green.

I think it should be better to show something that helps indicate more clearly that the report has not been executed yet, and maybe the status light should be in a completely different color (as Grey, for example).

  • Rafael Domene
  • Oct 15 2021
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Jun 15, 2022

    Admin response

    We are moving the DQ functionality to the SKP in the cloud and will be minimizing changes to the SST DQ functionality. We'll consider the underlying requirement for the new solution offering and have already built in this concept to allow for inclusion / exclusion of rule implementations into the roll up score concept.

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