Report name/DQ rule name not visible on report data page while viewing inside the Data Quality group

WORKFLOW : Data Quality-->Your Groups-->Group ID-->Reports-->View Button on the report-->Toolbar view should have DQ rule name & report name

This will be useful to developers and users as they will be able to see the report name and DQ Rule name while viewing the report data in a report under Data Quality group. Currently, they can only see Group ID and it does not make sense to just have the group ID on the toolbar view while viewing the actual report data. One way is to ensure the report name before viewing the data but if we can add these 2 columns to the toolbar view when viewing the report data, it makes it easier and relatable to users to understand which report they are viewing rather than go back one step and see for which DQ rule they had clicked on view data.

  • Archit Sood
  • Jul 7 2021
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Aug 6, 2021

    Admin response

    Archit - thank you for raising this and working on a possible solution. We'll align this new feature to an upcoming release.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 09, 2023 02:44

    Hello Team,

    Is this implement and is there any way to implement the same?

  • Jose sally commented
    October 01, 2022 10:48

    thanks for sharing ! techzpod download mobdro

  • Jose sally commented
    September 28, 2022 12:02

    i was also looking for the same

  • Archit Sood commented
    July 30, 2021 09:29

    I have added two more steps to this process :

    1. webYourGroupUserReportVer- view ( passed extra parameter to the function -- dbo.ddReport.Comment)

    2. Your Favourite Reports - page property change - was not possible via front end as such column only exist in dynamic SQL and not in page , used sql to update from backend.
      use Cransoft
      update Page
      set HorizontalTitlebar='ReportName'
      WHERE (PageID = '5260c81d-a06c-4833-9650-5467fcab0359')

  • Archit Sood commented
    July 29, 2021 11:33

    We have made changes to the below :

    1. ddGetSQLForView - function (included dynamic variable to receive the extra parameter - comment and adjusted select query generator code to include this comment and aliased as ReportName)

    2. webYourGroupUserReportHor - view ( passed extra parameter to the function -- dbo.ddReport.Comment)

    3. webYourGroup#TypeOf#UserReportHor - view ( passed extra parameter to the function -- dbo.ddReport.Comment)

    4. Your Group Reports - page property change - was not possible via front end as such column only exist in dynamic SQL and not in page , used sql to update from backend.

    ( update CranSoft.dbo.[page]
    SET HorizontalTitlebar = 'ReportName'
    from where pageid = '140c84d7-637b-4bb0-89ae-92b296ff7d33')

  • Archit Sood commented
    July 07, 2021 07:58

    Missed attaching this file