Refine the business value parameters of a rule in dspMonitor

  • When identifying business value in monitor we only have one bucket for "cost per failure" and it’s not clear what that cost means. Putting my sales hat on there are 3 primary costs I discuss with customers for any given rule violation:

    1. The cost of risk incurred by inaction; be that regulatory, financial or time inefficiency, distrust, dissatisfaction, or business process interruption.

    2. The cost of unplanned/fire drill fixing of one record

    3. The cost of fixing 1 record as part of organized remediation, leveraging lower cost resources, and mass updates were appropriate.

  • The combination of the three give one a bigger picture of the value of proactive data quality defect identification and organized remediation.

  • Ideally it would be great to take this one step further and at a high level in the dashboards be able to link data quality rules to KPI’s. This would be a huge help closing follow on deals.

    • One rule may effect multiple KPIs

    • I would like to include, out of the box, a list of standard business KPIs with details about the KPI. Of course the users can add more KPIs as needed.

  • Jeremiah Gilmore
  • Aug 14 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Aug 14, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the impact. When we created this we made it a simple input on purpose, in order to get feedback like this from the field. Every customer may a have scientific or un-scientific method for doing this and can do it outside of the application and enter their output of their calculations here.

    It would be great if you could Mock up a prototype and create this as content as a product accelerator.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    December 21, 2020 09:28

    We will be looking at how this can be implemented into the Knowledge Tier to improve the relationship between KPI and Rule as well as the indication around cost per failure