Link should be disabled when User does not have security to view the Linked Page

Bug Report # 14361 created because Error encountered when User didn't have security to view a Linked page. Support suggested this be proposed in the Idea Portal. LINK:



Login as User with dspMonitor User access

Navigate to dspMonitor Dashboard 

Click History link in Data Quality Rules: Overall section (Screenshot attached)

Data Quality Metric History page is displayed

Error: "The current WebApp appears to have a design or configuration error. The current user does not belong to a group that has the specified permissions to this page" 
Doc attached with full message



  1. User should not receive an error clicking on a link, the link should be disabled if the User does not have security to view the Page.
  2. This specific scenario can be fixed by updating the dspMonitor User WebApp Group should include the Chart Histogram page
  3. Additional "Metric" pages should be included in the dspMonitor User WebApp Group. dspMonitor Users should be able to have read only access to the pages highlighted in yellow in the attache file named "Monitor Pages Missing from User Group"
  • Tracey Karanovich
  • Jun 18 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Nov 4, 2019

    Admin response

    Thank you for highlighting this issue. I will ensure that our PM for the DSP solution is aware of this as we are updating the security framework in the 7.1 release.

  • Attach files