'Report Name' column when viewing report data should be the report Title, not Comment

Currently, when viewing report results within dspMonitor, the 'Report Name' column is pulling the 'Comment' values from the report registration.  I would expect it to show the 'Title' values like the 'Data Quality Rule' field does.

  • Jody McDonnell
  • Nov 8 2017
  • Already exists
  • Nov 9, 2017

    Admin response

    With DSP 6.6.1, Title has been renamed "Data Quality Rule" and is visible on the Your Group/Object/Application Report pages as the report name. 

  • Attach files
  • Jody McDonnell commented
    November 09, 2017 17:42

    Yes, that's correct.  However what I'm talking about here is viewing report data.  The last column on the page is 'ReportName'.  It displays the 'Comment' from the report registration and truncates it if the comment is too long.  See screenshot.