Password protect dspMonitor files

Is there any option to password protect the Excel files that are produced by dspMonitor?



Hi Mike,None of the DSP webapps which generate Excel files have any configuration option to add a password to the Excel file.  Would you like us to create a feature request on your behalf?  Feature requests are not guaranteed to be included in future releases of the DSP, but they are reviewed by BOA Product Management.




Hi Ben,

Thanks very much. May be a useful feature to have. We are now processing HR data and there is concern about emailing the files.

Best regards,


  • Guest
  • Jun 23 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Matt Wagnon commented
    23 Jun, 2017 04:41pm

    For this we recommend not sending excel files over the network and using summary notifications only to access the data.