xRef and Rule xRef should only create Insert and Update Value Mapping Rules when Configuration Data


In dspMigrate when using a xRef or Rule xRef action the automation should only create the Insert and Update value mapping rules when the lookup table is marked as Type of configuration.

It should only create an update rule which populates the zLegacy field.  This will be very useful to allow for a manual xRef to be written or a standard cross reference could be auto gen.


An Example would be MATNR: for all subsequent references to the field could be reference to a standard table or view of xtMATNR which would be manually created to point to a project specific xRef for Old Materials to new MATNR. Auto Gen could easily generate a rule which would tie the old material to the new MATNR.

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +1