Migrate - My Reports - Online Help Improvement


The various 'Reports' pages under My reports should all refer to a My reports process page.


This new (I think) page should include information as to


1) How to publish a report

2) Under what conditions they are published

3) How to remove a report from the published link

4) How to enable users to see only the 'Reports Pages'

5) How to enable a user to see all of the data properly for reports they have been assigned.


Carole Popp, Debbie Ziegler, and Genevieve Koupal have worked on some of these procedures and may be able to assist.





Jenny Drummey

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Jenny Drummey commented
    January 25, 2019 20:17


  • Jenny Drummey commented
    August 21, 2018 19:52

    This content has been added to online help. 

  • +3