Transform Object-Target Sort order


In 6.5 in Transform > Process Area Launch > Targets - Current sort is: 1: Object Name - 2: Target Priority - 3: Target Name


This puts objects with longer names above others. For example it sorts this way for objects...

Object Priority - Object Name

                   30 - Business Partner

                   20 - Business Partner Address

                   40 - Business Partner Bank

                   50 - Business Partner Relationship


Priority in Console is the same but - 10 so 20 is 10 etc.


Could they please be sorted: 1: Object Priority - 2: Target Priority - 3: Target Name


1: Object Priority - 2: Object Name - 3: Target Priority - 4: Target Name

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +4