Transform - Duration not updating properly


When processing an object or target, I would expect the duration to reflect the time that I pressed the button until the time that the status is updated indicating complete.  It's posible that other start and end values would be appropriate.  When processing from the object level, the duration for this item is clearly not correct.  The first source was acted upon on 28:07, the last source displayed is at 28:44 (37 seconds).  The actual final item finished at 31:41 ((214 seconds).


(This was not entered as a support ticket as we don't need it fixed urgently)


This was discovered at Lidl on version


  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • John Grippa commented
    June 06, 2017 16:59

    This was fixed as part of 6.6.

  • +1