Value Mapping Legacy Description NOT inserted via autogen rule

When autogen creates the cross reference rules if you have a field set to XREF in MAP, the following rules get built to insert unique values to Value Mapping (example):

The 010 view does not include the legacy description field which means this field is always blank in Value Mapping. This should be pulled from the configuration of the Value Mapping check table config.

If you press refresh on the Source Check Table (Config) page - this will insert ALL records from that legacy source table - which is not what we want. We only want unique values from the Transform rule filtered on zActive = 1.

  • Dave Casella
  • Jun 17 2020
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Feb 16, 2021

    Admin response

    Including the legacy value description in the stored procedure that inserts the source values into the value mapping application would not be easy as it would rely upon additional, possibly unreliable meta data.

    Instead, on page Legacy Values (Source Table Fields) vertical view there is the possiblity to include a legacy value description update statement. We'll add an 'Update Descriptions' button on the Source Check Table (Config) page that will update values without a description.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Andy Lund commented
    May 31, 2021 11:00

    The value mapping check table config relates to the check table from the target system. Therefore, unless the Source and Target Systems are the same, then the check table related to the source field is unknown.

    In an upcoming release, the ability to bulk update legacy value descriptions based upon the 'Description Update SQL' on the Legacy Value (Source Table) page will be added.