Object Decisions should be Context specific

Decisions about Objects are not wave specific and must be created through Console.

Wouldn´t it make more sense being able to register Object decisions within a Context? i.e. what are we doing with this object in this specific wave and process area.

It also impacts on the security access, as only users that have more than ReadOnly access to Console are able to register Object decisions.

  • Mar 15 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Oct 10, 2019

    Admin response

    Anna, agreed with the concept and we have already been discussing this within product management. Moving Object Decisions / issues page to Wave specific or being able to specify the Wave context under the dataobject page makes sense. We will move to backlog for design consideration

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    April 14, 2019 21:10

    concerned about security all the time? fair point. post an idea about taking these pages off the public web so that internal development (especially on fixing the weak parts) details would not end up where you dont want them to be. Like customers...or is this maybe a negative marketing page of your 'brilliant' product dear Garcia, time to think where you are, isnt it?