New boa Function: boaEINECSNumberValidation()

The attached function should be added to any function repositories we currently maintain.

--UDF : boaEINECSNumberValidation
--Author : Jeremiah Gilmore
--Version : 1.0
--Date : 20180727
--Description : Evaluates a EINECS Number (Subset of EC-European Community Number) and Returns 1 if format and checksum are valid and 0 if Invalid.
--Example Use : dswAdmin.dbo.boaEINECSNumberValidation('200-003-9') --EINECS number for dexamethasone
--Reference :

  • Jeremiah Gilmore
  • Jul 27 2018
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    August 23, 2018 16:52

    Thanks for registering Jeremiah, I will look to get this into the backlog as something that the sustain team can add to our list of supported functions.