Self-service - Selectable list of common rules in map

When choosing a mapping action of Rule in Map, you should not be required to enter Rule SQL. Instead, you should be able to choose a list of common rules. For Instance:

  1. Auto-number with options for min, max, interval, etc.
  2. Trim spaces
  3. All Caps
  4. Format Date
  5. Custom SQL
  6. Etc..

You should be able to assign multiple rules to a single field, so you could trim spaces and set to all caps.

The list of rules should be configurable. We would deliver many of the boaFunctions and some additional. Users could create their own rules in the field and add them to configuration. This would be the equivalent of them creating their own boa function.

CustomRule action type would allow the user to enter Rule SQL as the current Rule functionality works.

ManualRule would stay the same.

  • John Grippa
  • Jan 17 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files