Many of us carry some scripts in our pocket from Project to Project. I use a stored procedure to proactively identify views with binding errors.
The attached ZIP file contains scripts to create the Stored Procedure, Views, and Table required to identify views (Specifically views registered in Transform) with binding errors in a specific database. Also attached is a Sample Snapshot of the Stored Procedure results.
You can save yourself heartache by running the BindingError_Reports stored procedure in your dswXXX database then making the necessary corrections. The alternative is do nothing until the Transform job fails then fix the error after the job fails…each time a Binding Error is encountered.
I'm not sure of the best location for these reports but one idea is to include them in the TRANSFORM REPORTS Page.
On the vertical view of any datasource you can recompile the database and see what objects will fail to run.
The existing ability to recompile a database is not a substitute for the functionality illustrated in the Binding Error Report Example I attached.