Add informational fields from Construct Page as display only to Excel Integration template



When leveraging the Excel Integration feature for Data Construction, the current version of AMD 6.5.1 only uses the fields in the underlying dcs table.  Other columns that are included in the Construct Page, descriptions, other reference data from other Target Tables, etc. are not incorporated in the downloaded Excel Template.


Data Construction is a huge selling point for the BackOffice solutions, and improving the integration of Construct Pages with MS Excel would be a huge win for BOA.  Data is often constructed by Business SMEs that are not familiar with SAP values (Material Types, Account Groups, Valuation Classes, etc.), so displaying these informational columns, and making them non-editable in the Excel template would be significant improvement to the Excel Integration feature.




  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +4