Viewing last process time for reports in dspMonitor

Feature Request Overview: This feature request is to add the Report Process Completed on date/time to the Horizontal view on the Group Reports page which is found under dspMonitor/Configuration/Groups/"Click on Reports Icon".  I am not 100% sure if that is the best page or the only page that should have the Report Process Completed On Date/Time added to the Horizontal View but it certainly seems like it would be helpful to have on the Horizontal of the records and not just the vertical (In some cases it's not included on the vertical or the horizontal.)

Zendesk issue posts:
Is there a way to see the last time a report ran in dspMonitor? This was a field we had in DataDialysis and found useful as an indicator that the reports had in fact refreshed.

Hello Michael, My colleague just informed me that he has looked into prior tickets and noted a couple ways of doing this:
If you go to dspMonitor>Your Reports (as an example I looked at) > vertical of the report in question is a Process Started On and Process Completed On fields.
It is there also going to Your Groups > Report and then the vertical of a report.
Please try these and let me know if they work for you or if you are going to need further assistance. Thank you,Tracy

Is it possible to add these fields to the report record itself? There appears to be plenty of available space.

Hi Michael, You have a great request there! I wish I could say we do, but unfortunately, there is not a way to do this at the moment. However, with that being said, I will draw up and submit a Feature Request on your behalf so that this possibility can be considered.Warm Regards, Tracy

  • Guest
  • Aug 3 2017
  • Planned
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