When a targets system FM or BAPI ( in this case S/4HANA) is used for calling from DSP, it pulls all the structures from target systems for the BAPI or the RFC and adds into the process template whereas we may need just couple of the structures to pass data to SAP. From SAP point of view, only those couple of structures are mandatory and therefore, we do not want to see rest of them in the process control template area. But right now there is no functional way to delete button to discard unnecessary structures.
The question is specifically for the business partner data loading using function module RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN where there are around 50 import structures but we need to pass data only onto few of them.
Having all the unnecessary FM import structures in the DSP integrate, will make it messy to manage.
Can we add that functionality here to delete unwanted import structures here?