When Map adds the new Key Field to a Target, it should be put at the Top of the Target Design (Priority 10).
If ttMARA has a key of MATNR at Priority 1 from SystemTypes, then once the automation engine runs and inserts the zLegacyMATNR as the new Key, that field should be set to Field 10, and all the fields should be renumbered 10,20,30,40 to maintain the column order but provide gaps for adding/rearranging field positions.
Currently it generated zLegacyMATNR at the bottom (priority 1020) so I didn't see it until I resorted by Priority Descending, but I had to mark it as Priority 0 to get it at the top since my exising fields are sorted as 1,2,3,4,5 such that I would need to renumber the whole table to get my key at the top of the table. For a multi-key table (ttMARC) it would be impossible to get both zLegacyMATNR and zLegacyWERKS at the top of my table unless I use negative numbers.