Field Mapping should sort by FieldGroup Priority / TargetField Priority


For complex objects, the Target should be designed so that the Fields are assigned to Field Groups, and the Field Groups and Fields are prioritized so they mimic the screen layout in the target system.   For example, ttMARA should be organized with field groups for Basic Data, Plant Data, etc to mimick the SAP Screen layouts.


When we open the Field Mapping screen, the Fields should default to that same order so that as you are working through an Object in a mapping session you are following the logical order as if you were creating a new material in SAP.


This is also the order the fields should be organized in our PreLoad validation and Rulebook reports so the Business Users can easily compare the Mapping rules to the PreLoad report.

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +5