The definition of Field Groups at Process Area level works well for Target Design and Mapping, however it is of very limited use when it comes to the auto-generation of rules since the Filter Table/Field only relates to a specific target or source table. Whilst it is possible to use Secondary Source relationships to specify joins and where clauses to reference the main target/source in the Process Area and define the Field Group filters this requires a lot of additional set up and means that the Field Group filters are defined in multiple places.
It would be better if the setup of Field Groups was split into separate components for Process Area and Source/Target. Auto-generation could then generate the correct Field Group based rules without any further configuration. Within a Process Area there is a "main" table against which the Field Group filters are defined; the other tables in the Process Area would need to have a relationship defined to this "main" table. In addition, Source/Target differences need to be accounted for (e.g. the Field Group may be defined against LFA1.KTOKK, but for source rules the filter needs to be based on zKTOKK).