Preserve Index of Inactive Tasks

When you mark a task as inactive in your ETL, it becomes impossible to add another rule later on and have the index of the new rule be greater than the index of the inactive task. I believe what is happening is that when you drag and drop rules around to affect the order, ADMM is always putting inactive tasks at the end of the ETL. This can have really disastrous consequences if you have a task that is inactive temporarily - i.e. for debugging purposes, load cycle purposes, remediation purposes, etc. If you have a task inactive just temporarily and try to change the order of the existing index or add new ones, they will go to the bottom and now your ETL order is destroyed. I would love for ADMM to preserve your index order regardless of active/inactive - the order is super critical to the overall execution and the system should not be changing this automatically.

  • Peter Berke
  • Aug 28 2024
  • Attach files