Report Details - Copy Cell to Clipboard Instead of Entire Record

When you have a report open in ADMM, it is very common to want to copy a field out of the report to go look it up somewhere else. For example, you are looking at a report for material missing description and you want to put that SKU number on your clipboard and go look it up in legacy. Right now your browser's standard right-click menu is invoked, which usually means you copy the whole row to the clipboard! No user will ever want this, and they have to paste this into notepad or an empty email to go copy just the field they want. It would reduce a lot of user frustration and grumbling at the software if we could copy just the cell they are clicking on.

  • Peter Berke
  • Aug 2 2024
  • Attach files
  • Peter Berke commented
    13 Aug 19:16

    It looks like this has been implemented with the August release, nice work! Would be great if this functionality could be extended to all screens, not just report contents. For example, when I am on the list of Migration or Deployment Reports, I often will want to copy the report view, ID, or Name to the clipboard and this right-click functionality does not exit on this screen.