Target Reports integration with Governance Rules

Target Rules in Migrate may be related to existing Governance Rules in SKT. For a given Governance Rule, a migration target report is really just an implementation of that rule.

Provide the ability to link a Target Report in Migrate to a Governance Rule in SKT, or to generate a new Governance Rule in SKT if one doesn't already exist.

While not every Migrate rule is relevant as a governance rule - many are and we should have a very simple way to capture those learnings from a Data Migration to leverage in Data Governance.

  • John Munkberg
  • Feb 23 2023
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  • Admin
    John Munkberg commented
    March 03, 2023 19:48

    This is just about creating the relationship. The actual Migrate rule will not "run" in Data Governance. The execution of these rules would be two separate things.

    This is being released with the March 2023 updates.

  • Eric Weldon commented
    February 28, 2023 22:10

    I think this is a great idea but there is one caveat - Migration/Transform runs rules as background process so it's ok if it takes one minute or more on a rule. Data Governance runs the procedures as part the user page interaction so they must be performant. End Users don't want to look at screen for 30 seconds waiting for a procedure to finish.