Snapshot Skinny tables (SDR Column Lists)

Snapshot fields in Migrate can be marked as Do Not Import, but today those are not being passed to Replicate. Enable these fields to be passed automatically to replicate so it's easy to create a skinny table.

  • John Munkberg
  • Feb 23 2023
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    John Munkberg commented
    April 19, 2023 21:47

    Replicate has created the support needed for Migrate to pass a list of columns during creation. So we are close. We plan to add this into Migrate, along with the new Export File integration, as soon as we can given the current work with the React upgrade. Hopefully for the July release, but no promises as there is a lot of SAP PQ work yet to be done. But we recognize the value of these two features (Skinny tables and Text File exports)