When I run my Dataset ETL job, I want to see my non-zero error reports

If I have a lot of targets, I have to drill into each Target / Reports to see if there were any errors.

I can also just go into Migrate Reports or Deployment Reports - but those only show the reports which have been published. Often there are many reports we don't publish as they may not be relevant for the business, or for whatever reason.

Can we add a drill down column from the Release Dataset grid to show non-zero Error reports for the Dataset. So when I run my ETL job, that column might show 10. Drill down and it shows the 10 error reports from all of my targets on a single screen. Same view as the Target Reports, just filtered by Release / Dataset / Non Zero Error Reports.

That will allow me to very easily make sure my rules ran correctly, there are no surprises in the data, and quickly decide what I need to do to make it ready for loading.

  • Guest
  • Jul 12 2023
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    John Munkberg commented
    12 Jul, 2023 06:39pm

    Great suggestion Mark. I think we can start with a simple System Report - which might actually be nice for Project Leads to get a good overall picture of Reporting Readiness. Then I can work to get the button into the Dataset grid so we can easily drill down and see the details we need here.