Allow Reports to be run AFTER the transform rules

In ETL - Target reports are run as part of the target jobs - so run MARA rules, run MARA reports, run MARC rules, run MARC reports.

This makes it hard to have a MARA report which references the data in MARC. Our DS implementation runs all the Reports AFTER all the targets have run - MARA rules, MARC rules, MARA reports, MARC reports.

Since reports don't affect data, you can basically run them after all the rules are done. The only exception which MAY be relevant is the timing of the REMEDIATION rules. It could be possible you need to remediate MARA before you can process MARC rules.

So we might need the ability to run REMEDIATE rules between targets, and the rest of the reports after all the targets.

1 - Should we run reports AFTER all etl rules?

2 - Do I NEED to run Remediation between targets?

  • John Munkberg
  • Mar 23 2023
  • Planned
  • Attach files