Filter Check Report for each Rule / Rule Binding

Deliver a report that checks to see that all records in the failed data table are contained in at least one Project Distribution after the filters specified at the Project Distribution and User level are taken into account.  The report will display all data included in any of the reports being sent out.  The user can choose to accept this or build additional distribution elements to ensure all data is sent to the business for resolution.

  • Jon Green
  • Dec 8 2016
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    January 06, 2017 12:17

    EPIC (Feature) ticket exist for this idea in Jira already (DSP-7993)

  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    January 06, 2017 12:08

    Keys would need to be defined for this functionality to work so that we can check that all unique keys are covered by the filters being applied.  It could just be based on record counts but that would potentially give incorrect results.

  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    January 04, 2017 11:17

    This could be built today for individual clients in the ISA construction application pages by Services.