ISA 6.1 Workflow Templates


The configuration of workflows is not consistent across Information Steward Accelerator 6.1 and not consistent with other workflow settings in the framework.


Under the configuration menu there is a listing of multiple templates that it would seem you can use across the application.  There is no functionality to add templates on this page though so it isn't initially clear how they are maintained.  If you go to Project Summary -> Project Distributions -> Workflow Template you can define a workflow specific to a particular workflow.  From a usability standpoint I would expect to be able to select a template as defined in the Configuration page.  This would allow you to define a few different templates and get high re-use value out of them.  This is not how it works though. The workflow defined is only related to that specific distribution.


Further, within the framework there have previously been number of options available when you create a workflow from a business rule.  Among them are the ability to remove the workflow link and an expiration for a link.  Both of these have been requested but are apparently not available within ISA.  This is according to support ticket 4763 that we raised.


Vicki Posko

Mike Lambert

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +3