Revise the strategy levels to enable parent-child relationships

We want the Company level strategy tier to serve as a parent structure to our Program-level initiatives. We are currently using Initiatives to represent the entities we would want to be children in a strategy hierarchy (our analytics domains), which limits our ability to use the other strategy assets effectively (e.g., the Goals for the program-level strategy tier will need to be applicable to all domains, which will decrease the relevance and specificity of those goals). If we could link each of our domain analytics branches as a child to the parent strategy tier, we could create vision, mission, and goals that strengthen their use of Syniti. In the meantime, much of this will live outside of Syniti in other documentation.

  • Guest
  • Jun 24 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Jun 24, 2020

    Admin response

    Just to clarify our understanding. The ask is for 1 Company Level and having multiple child level (currently only program level) strategy layers?

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