Customization of home workspace for users based on criteria

We anticipate loading thousands of assets into Syniti, and we'd like to help our users with less-frequent Syniti workflows to not be overwhelmed by information. Ideally, we would set the dashboard for a user based on criteria, such as which domain area + role they are a part of.

  • Guest
  • May 27 2020
  • Already exists
  • Jun 4, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for registering this idea. We are actively working on improving the landing page / home page experience for the wider business user (viewer) role that we are implementing. We are working on replacing the existing Director Dashboard but also the Viewer landing page with new functionality. I believe Dylan has been discussing with your team directly on these topics and he is heavily involved in the design of the new pages.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    March 02, 2022 13:52

    The ability to allow a user to define a custom dashboard as their home page rather than the pre delivered one is available today in the SKT.