View Suggested Terms by Perceived Value

In some use cases, an organization may have an existing set of policies or rules that can be inserted into the Unified Solution, but little or no agreed definitions of business terms. To kick start their IG initiative, Customer Success would suggest inserting the existing content into IGC. Inevitably, the Deep Guidance would generate a number of suggested terms to reduce semantic confusion of said policies/rules. Instead of clicking through assets one by one to find these, I would like a view that assigns a perceived value to defining specific terms. 

For example, if I use the term "customer" in 90% of my policies, that might be considered a "high value" term. Additionally, the criticality of the containing assets could be taken into consideration - with high criticality assets giving more weight to a term than low criticality.

  • Michelle Boehm
  • Oct 2 2018
  • Likely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    March 02, 2022 14:19

    Considering this as part of the reintroduction of the Suggested Terms in the New UI for SKT.