Enabling System and field deletion in KT

Sometimes tests are made when you start to work with Metadata discovery and KT, then data is replicated creating systems that are purely rubish. Other times, databases are not refined and tables are changed/removed etc, then the System fields version replicated keeps the picture what is not reflecting the reality of the metada in the source system. If we had that option these elements (systems and/or fields) could be cleaned them up to show a tidier view of the KT tenant.

  • Guest
  • Mar 2 2022
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  • Aug 8, 2022

    Admin response

    The ability to delete System assets is now included in the SKP. You can tidy up your catalog from systems that you no longer need via the ... menu on the System details page as you can for all other assets.

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  • Admin
    Jon Green commented
    March 02, 2022 13:43

    This is in the release plan for our Data Catalog v2.0 work that is planned for release around Q2 this year. The ability to delete a system will be added. The concept of field deletion will be handled slightly differently in the fact that we are now building delta metadata scanning processes that mean you can rescan your system and will be notified of changes (additions, changes or deletions) of tables, view, fields etc.