Help Update - Collect - Workflow Download Failures Page


The help indicates that a failed table will show -1 if the download fails.  In my testing, the Record Count = 0 when a download fails.


Tested on version on this server -


The specific help page is:


This page could also be enhanced to indicate what causes records to be put on this page:

  • Workflows are triggered when users are members of the WorkflowFailureAll or WorkflowFailureByTargetAccess (Both of these need some further explanation)
  • What is the timining for sending workflow and how is that configured (Service Page - Collect WorkFlow Failure)



Jenny Drummey

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2017
  • Likely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Jenny Drummey commented
    November 15, 2018 20:02

    This content has been added to help. 

  • +2