Creating New Schedule - RecurrenceId / Description not available on Configure


When creating a new schedule in Common> Tools> Schedules


Name and Description are entered on Vertical and saved.


Click Recurrence Id field to view/edit Configuration.


No reference info appears on the Configure screen to assist the user in remembering their context, i.e. the RecurrenceId, so that they can enter/select configuration choices.  If their attention is interrupted at any point they may not remember which Recurrence Id that they selected.


This only happens when creating a new schedule.  After configuration and saving, the Recurrence Description appears appears properly.  Dow users request bringing the Recurrence Id forward to the Configure page at least during the "Add" step.


(See attachment for screen shots.)

  • Paul Garner
  • Jan 31 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +1