Integrate - Add Parallel BAPI-posting functionality in standard

As I presented on the DemoJam, it is possible to add parallel postings of SAP BAPIs in Integrate.

Currently, this isn't possible due to restrictions on the posting in the background queue. The "group"-field in table JobQueue is always posted with the same content, due to which these entries are processed sequentially.
I have developed a WebApp to split the posting over the number of defined posts in a process and start the posting with a different "group"-field in table JobQueue.

  • Bert Willekens
  • Dec 8 2021
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 14, 2022 07:12

    Vanguard Management Group has helped our associations prosper and their homes appreciate by utilizing the industry's best practices with respect to the maintenance of buildings, grounds, and recreation facilities. However, our success has little to do with the management of these assets. Our success begins and ends with communication, personal, and personalized service. We provide our staff with rigorous coaching, on-going training, weekly and monthly continuing education. It is our goal to make everyone that reaches out to us to leave with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.