Integrate - Process Post: Make it possible to use standard column "ID" of primary loop table in where clause

It is not possible to use the standard column "ID" in the where clause of a process post as the underlying loop tables are mapped with the parent loop table via the field ParentID and not with the field ID.

Integrate doesn't take this into account when applying the where clause.

Please find attached a detailed description of the problem and solution proposal.
Further info in support ticket

A work-a-round is adding a new field in the upload tables/views in order to use this field in the "where clause".

  1. Add new field in all auto generated upload tables. Example LoadSeqNr

  2. Initialize the new field

    1. For the parent loop use field ID
      update ttBP_Maintain_BAPI_BP_MAINTAIN__Upload set LoadSeqNr = ID

    2. For the child loops use field ParentID (is same value as in ID-field of parent loop)
      update [dbo].ttBP_Maintain_BAPI_BP_MAINTAIN_Address_Header_Data_Upload set LoadSeqNr = ParentID

  3. Add the field into the upload views

  • Bert Willekens
  • Nov 10 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Bert Willekens commented
    December 08, 2021 11:31

    Quicker work-a-round would be to add the field ParentID in the primary loop view and fill it with the ID-field.

  • Admin
    Andy Lund commented
    November 10, 2021 12:50

    Bert - thank you for raising this topic. We'll discuss this with our engineers and advise of the outcome.