Debug Log should automatically been disabled after period of time

In order to troubleshoot some kind of errors is useful to enable Debug Log in order to get more information about the issue. Debug Logs are typically required by Syniti Support team when a new incident is opened through the Syniti Support site or SAP Support Site. Debug Logs enabled could lead into performance issues.

These Debug Logs are often only required for a specific period of time e.g. when someone is trying to reproduce the issue.

For these reason, the idea (or ideas) would be:

1) When someone is going to enable the Debug Log, he/she will be asked only for a period of time to be enabled (e.g. in minutes or hours) and it wil have a maximum limit of hours that the debug log can be enabled. Debug Log only will be enabled during that period of time and after that will automatically be disabled.

2) The Debug Logs will be disabled automatically after few hours. e.g. there is a service page that runs every 4 hours and it will disable all Debug Logs.

3) In case that any Debug Log is enabled will send an email to remember that Debug Logs are enabled. This is not my preferred option because could be that the email is not updated, or the any other reasons like that user is not working at this time, etc... so we cannot ensure that the email will be threated accordingly and Debug Logs disabled after.

This will be useful in order to ensure that any Debug Log is enabled more time that what is required, and in order to avoid that someone forgot to disable the Debug Logs.

  • Daniel Cortada
  • Jul 20 2021
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Pedro Cardoso commented
    November 10, 2021 15:09

    I see this is already going to be shipped....great!

  • Admin
    Andy Lund commented
    November 10, 2021 13:11

    This feature will be available in the 7.4.7 release of the Stewardship Tier.

  • Pedro Cardoso commented
    July 22, 2021 22:36

    Having a setting for this and making it default behaviour (could be set to 0 if we want to be left as per current behaviour) makes a lot of sense. Probably more of a nice to have and something we could also mitigate with a monitor report that could route to admin group and notify about all kinds of things (like encryption being disabled on a datasource) to aggregate these nag emails.

    I won't upvote as I think there are options here, but believe some action should be taken, even if it is shipping a monitor report with default routing to alert to this. Cheap and Cheerful.