Authorise non-System Administrator roles to ADD new WebApps

SKP/DSP/ADM-> Only users assigned with a System Administrator role can Add new WebApps (as explained in this support ticket 22047, or in this dsphelp link).

Certain projects/client requirements demand that developers (be it Syniti's or the client's own developers) can't have System Administrator privileges - however very often the developers still need to be able to create and add new WebApps, not just Edit the existing ones, to which they already have access.

I propose that we either have a standard security role that gives this sort of access to Add new WebApps in Admin->WebApps menu, or that the plataform provides a WebApp Security Group ID that allows us to create a security role with this ID to allow any assigned users to perform this activity.

Projects would benefit with enough flexibility and agility to develop WebApps quicker instead of having to find workarounds or jump through hoops in order to do it, which usually costs precious time.

I trust this is a clear requirement/idea, but please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

  • Ruben Jardim
  • Jun 4 2021
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Ruben Jardim commented
    November 17, 2021 18:49

    Thanks for your feedback.

  • Admin
    Andy Lund commented
    November 10, 2021 13:42

    Ruben - thanks for your suggestion. The security design in this area was intentional - via the delivered roles, only System Administrators can create new webapps. Historically, as part of a customers license they get a specific number of custom web applications (this is different now with the SKP licensing model). If each developer could create their own applications without consideration then the numbers of applications would increase and exceed license quotas without the client knowning. I think it make sense to have administartors control which webapps are created -> once created they can assign sepecifc users as Power Designers so they can take ownership of the application.

  • Ruben Jardim commented
    June 11, 2021 13:52

    Thanks David!

    I actually meant that we need a way to authorise developers that are non-system administrators to be able to create and add WebApps in the WebApps page, but I appreciate your encouragement.

  • David Escodino commented
    June 04, 2021 14:09

    I totally agree with you Ruben.

    If we could have anyway to assign an authorization rule to a specific WebApp would be amazing.