Promote - Add package template for missing standard Platform WebApps

Promote is introduced in version 7.4 but for some standard Platform WebApps like Automate, Integrate, Collect, ... there is no template available.
A default template is key in order to use Promote. Therefore, it is best to add the templates for the missing Platform WebApps and add them in the standard installation SKP.

Please find attached the Promote config for Automate.

  • Bert Willekens
  • Apr 28 2021
  • Likely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Bert Willekens commented
    October 28, 2021 14:36

    Please find also the Promote config for Integrate

  • Admin
    Andy Lund commented
    May 31, 2021 09:40

    Thanks for the suggestion Bert and indeed the Automate configuration. Promote currently has configurations including custom WebApps, Collect, Integrate, Data Quality and ADM. As you pointed out, there are stil some additionalit applications to include and we'll be working on them in future releases.