"Add New SDB from Source" button

When adding a new External Source in Data Source registry, when vertical view pops up after populating the information on Horizontal view, have a button that users can push to run TSQL code to create a new database in the local SQL Server, sdb with the source name after it, then have it run an INSERT INTO SQL line to insert the sdb into DSPCommon.dbo.ttDataSourceRegistry

  • Guest
  • Apr 19 2021
  • Unlikely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Andy Lund commented
    31 May, 2021 09:46am

    Thanks for the suggestion Michael. This would certainly life easier for some folk, however, increasingly, database servers are managed by dba's and the addition of new databases needs to be planned carefully to ensure database files are allocated to the correct drives (often split across multiple files across multiple drives).