There should be a single value in a DB that tells us what version of DSP is running

Depending on who you are you determine the version of DSP running differently. When you are executing something in SQL Server it would be great to easily determine the version of DSP running.

Perhaps we could put something in the Cransoft.dbo.Param table?

...while we are on the topic of the param table, could we eliminate values that have been deprecated? As more partners come online the items that have been deprecated and no longer updated are going to become a problem to deal with.

...also I just noticed the workspace for this topic is not spelled correctly. =)

"Syniti Stewardship Tier (DSP) Framewok"

  • Jake Cohen
  • Dec 3 2020
  • Already exists
  • Dec 22, 2020

    Admin response

    Our Reporting and Metric Agent also needs to know what version of the Stewardship Tier is running to be able to establsih which version of it's plugins to run. The agent gets the version number from the Version asscoiated with webApp Common. This can be obtained via the following select statement: -

    SELECT WebAppID, Version

    FROM WebApp

    WHERE WebAppID = '0151a30b-2dd0-48ae-823d-d378e1ff5c05'

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