Transform > Reports > All Target Reports / All Source Reports - add drilldown button / option to filter context

For the All Target Reports / All Source Reports pages under Transform, please add a button that directs to a page that initially filters by Wave + Process Area, then to an object + target listing. This makes it far more intuitive for users to find reports when there are thousands to choose from.

Additionally, add the ability to set a parameter to auto-filter these Report pages by Wave, regardless of the Wave + Process Area chosen. If there are multiple waves active at one time, with identical report names, it gets confusing. Report users often have to cross Process Areas to get reports needed, so limiting to what they see by only the Wave in the context is best.

See screenshots for details. Credit to Sajid Mansoori.

  • John Slagle
  • Jul 1 2020
  • Likely to Implement
  • Attach files
  • John Slagle commented
    July 01, 2020 21:18

    Also include ActionOn field so users know WHEN reports were executed to reduce potential confusion.

  • John Slagle commented
    July 01, 2020 21:17

    Also missing from these pages are the ability to see Segmented reports. There should be a button to view segments for download.

  • Thad Davis commented
    July 01, 2020 21:16

    Using this at Bio-Rad and the client loves this feature!