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Allow Source Databases to use the Source Database name and not the database itself allowing pseudo sdb databases

Change to DSW that needs to be documented

Reason: wanted to use a Data Source Registry entry that qualified as a Migration data source (sdb) but pointed to a dsw database (dswCentral)

Options: change code below or add dsw to the allowable zSourceDatabaseFilter

Result: changed the code

In DB Console in webDataSource_SourceDataSourceList

The code originally

SELECT DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.DataSourceID, DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.DataSourceName, DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.[Database], '' AS Type

FROM Console.dbo.ztParam AS ztParam CROSS JOIN


WHERE (DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.DataSourceID IN

(SELECT DataSourceID

FROM DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel AS apiCranSoftDataSourceSel_1

WHERE (ServerAddress IN

(SELECT ServerAddress

FROM DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel AS DataSource_1

WHERE (DataSourceID = 'F704C419-2A8F-4C92-AFD4-AD75EA7B9C93'))))) AND (DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.[Database] LIKE ztParam.zSourceDatabaseFilter)


SELECT [SourceID], [Source], '', 'Natural' AS Type

FROM [Console].[dbo].[ttSource]

WHERE SourceType IN (5, 6)

Was changed to

SELECT DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.DataSourceID, DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.DataSourceName, DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.[Database], '' AS Type

FROM Console.dbo.ztParam AS ztParam CROSS JOIN


WHERE (DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.DataSourceID IN

(SELECT DataSourceID

FROM DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel AS apiCranSoftDataSourceSel_1

WHERE (ServerAddress IN

(SELECT ServerAddress

FROM DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel AS DataSource_1

WHERE (DataSourceID = 'F704C419-2A8F-4C92-AFD4-AD75EA7B9C93'))))) AND (DSPCommon.dbo.apiCranSoftDataSourceSel.[DataSourceName] LIKE ztParam.zSourceDatabaseFilter)


SELECT [SourceID], [Source], '', 'Natural' AS Type

FROM [Console].[dbo].[ttSource]

WHERE SourceType IN (5, 6)

  • Megan Petry
  • Apr 3 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Andy Lund commented
    May 07, 2020 07:16

    Hello Megan, I will look into this further as I see the benefit. My only reservation is if there is code out that that assumes that the data source and database names are the same and therefore uses the datasource name to get the database name.