Provision of Test Option in Integrate

To whom may be concerned,

In committing records into SAP system, system API delivered by SAP (i.e. BAPI) provides an option to test the records before saving into the system (typically via BAPI's input parameter or by requiring a separate Commit command to be issued after calling the BAPI).

May we look into providing a Test Option in Integrate which can reflect this SAP BAPI functionality? In doing so,we can sieve out SAP system errors which can then be addressed through SAP system configuration or customization which typically takes a certain lead time in correcting.

  • Desmond Yee
  • Apr 24 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Nov 6, 2019

    Admin response

    If the BAPI / Remote Function Call exposes the test parameter then we should be able to run in test mode today with Integrate. In regards to the separate commit we will need to investigate the options around that and how / if we can change the way we call the BAPI in this scenario

  • Attach files